Turd Twister - June 23, 2006
Remember when there was only one style of Turd Twister? Now, there are 18 different styles available. Get them and share with your friends!
Remember when there was only one style of Turd Twister? Now, there are 18 different styles available. Get them and share with your friends!
There is an entire blog dedicated to Cats that look like Hitler.
Someone got a hold of one of my credit card numbers and was trying to do bad things with it. Luckily, the credit union caught the fraud before anything serious was done. Now, I don’t have access to any money for a few days. Oh well, at least all the bills are paid.
I miss running a BBS. It’s not the same to just run a website. I don’t get the same satisfaction out of the process. When you ran a BBS you had many people logging on downloading files or playing simple games with you. I know that I could logon to a MUD and get similar game play, but I never felt the same sort of community in a MUD that I did when I ran a BBS. Maybe I’m just feeling nostalgic.
John has been wanting to try the Diet Coke and Mentos geyser, but I didn’t want him to spend money on Diet Coke. It seems like this whole phenomenon might be some viral marketing campaign cooked up by the advertising machine to get people to buy more Coke and Mentos. Finally, I relented, when we discovered a do it yourself mosquito killing machine that requires a plastic coke bottle.
The aquarium this weekend was fun. They are doing some construction so it was a bit different. I think I still like the Point Defiance Aquarium better. It was nice to see John’s Dad and family, and the weather was to die for.
I think we have officially exhausted all options on getting the other house. It seems like we’ve been dicked around by everyone. We talked about it last night, and we have decided to just let it go. It would have been nice, but I could certainly use the money that I would have spent on it to pay for school and get things started on the lot in Hawaii. I’m look in to getting it surveyed and then dozing out a house pad and drive way. After, that’s done I have to figure out if there is a way to get mac nut shells up there to help get some soil started… you know for growing things.
As far as the current house… I scrubbed off one side, and did some test patches. I think it will be a nice and easy paint job. Now, if only I could decide on the color.
We worked hard this week, and took today off to go work on the house. I think we are starting to see the home stretch on the house. We started drywalling the back room, and I played outside a bit.
It was out playing with a cat that was once our neighbor’s, but I think they left him when the moved. He used to come over and play with me, but he recently got hurt. Now he’s leary of anybody who tries to come near him. While, I was trying to coax him over I saw a raccoon come tromping around.
I was shocked a first, and I think the raccoon was shocked as well. We both stopped, starred at each other, and decided that we were both harmless to each other. It was quite fun to watch the raccon and cat interact. Although I’m tried of working on the house I really enjoy the neighborhood wildlife. I really hope that we get the other house so that I can start to plan the bigger garden. If we don’t get the other house I will still make a garden just make it smaller and move it to the other side.
I get to go to the Seattle Aquarium tomorrow.
Today, was not the best day but it certainly wasn’t the worst. I’ve been having these killer headaches for quite sometime now. I’m not quite debilitated by the headache, but it’s enough to bother me.
So, I went to get my eyes checked. It turns out that I need some mild reading glasses for close computer work. The doctor said that I have about 25% of the muscle use that I should have in my right eye. He’s hoping that by using them for reading and computer work the glasses my help fix the problem.
I think we both know that’s probably not the case since I’m just getting older. Don’t they say when it’s all down hill when you turn 30? We’ll I’m trying to take better care of myself. I also am going to setup a regular appointment with the doctor just to make sure I don’t have a brain tumor or anything. Damn, these diagonsis yourself website!
After, my appointment I admit that I cried a little. It wasn’t really about the having to get glasses, but more about the milestone that it represents. I’ve been lucky that I still look fairly young for my age the glasses just prove that I am indeed getting older.
I’ve been trying to avoid anything that will cause too much stress, but it seems like my efforts keep failing. We’ve had some difficult issues with trying to buy the second house, but other than that it seems like all the other stress is being cause by outside forces. I’m trying to keep them outside.
Last night I did get a bit of a break. We went down to Olympia for the first South Sound Chapter Surfrider meeting. These are just the opening steps for this chapter, and it was fun to meet all the different people there. I would have lots of fun being active in that community.